
In the upcoming November 7th municipal general election, voters residing within the Hamilton Southeastern Schools' district boundaries will see on their ballot a single referendum question. This question asks if they support the continuation of the 2016 voter-approved referendum, but at a reduced rate. The main objectives are to maintain class sizes, implement essential safety initiatives, retain and attract valued teachers and staff, and fund academic and educationally related programs.

Voting “YES” for this question means that the current school funding continues without any changes. The referendum tax rate would be reduced from $0.2275 to $0.1995 per one-hundred dollars of net assessed value and will not increase taxes. The effect of this ballot question is very simple – Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools funding will remain stable and in 2024 the impact of the referendum to homeowner tax bills will decrease by almost 20%.

The referendum ballot language is established by Indiana law and approved by the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance. The language in the November 2023 referendum was passed by state legislators in the spring of 2021 in an effort to mislead voters and take away local control. It uses a formula that does not correctly reflect the continuation of a reduced tax rate. See this FAQ for more information.

To determine the tax impact for your property, enter the owner address where the tax bill is mailed in the “search” box below and select a parcel from the results.

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